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Amplify to Succeed: The Power of Targeted Content Amplification for Buyer Enablement

Amplification Is Essential For Content Performance

Creating great buyer enablement content is just the beginning. Without effective amplification, your content might never reach the right audience. This is where targeted content amplification comes into play, ensuring that your ideal prospects find your content and engage with it throughout their buyer journey.

Create A Comprehensive Buyer Enablement Content Calendar

The first step is to create a robust buyer enablement content calendar that aligns with the six phases of the Gartner B2B buyer journey: Problem Identification, Solution Exploration, Requirements Building, Supplier Selection, Validation, and Consensus Creation. This calendar should outline the ongoing production of content tailored to each phase.

In our work with IT organisations, we’ve seen the power of a well-structured content calendar. By planning and consistently producing targeted content, we kept our audience engaged and informed, guiding them smoothly through their buyer journey.

Run Targeted Campaigns on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for reaching B2B audiences. By setting up targeted campaigns, you can ensure that your content reaches the right people at the right time. These campaigns should focus on your ideal prospects, using LinkedIn’s robust targeting options to hone in on specific job titles, industries, and company sizes.

For instance, when we worked with an accounting firm, we launched targeted LinkedIn campaigns aimed at CFOs and financial controllers. This approach significantly increased the visibility of our content, driving more qualified traffic and engagement.

Using Retargeting to Guide Prospects

Retargeting is a crucial strategy for keeping your audience engaged as they move through the buyer journey. By showing new content assets to prospects who have already interacted with your content, you can guide them through each phase more effectively.

Imagine a potential client engages with a Problem Identification blog post on your site. With retargeting, you can then show them a Solution Exploration whitepaper, a Requirements Building checklist, or a Supplier Selection case study as they browse LinkedIn or other platforms. This continuous engagement helps build trust and keeps your brand top-of-mind.

In our blog, Most Content Marketing Campaigns Fail Due To Random Acts Of Marketing, we discussed the importance of a deliberate and consistent content strategy. Targeted content amplification is an extension of this principle, ensuring your well-crafted content reaches and engages your audience throughout their journey.

Creating Tailored Content for Retargeting

Your retargeting efforts should be supported by a variety of content tailored to different phases of the buyer journey:

  1. Problem Identification: Educational articles, infographics, and introductory videos that highlight common industry challenges and pain points.
  2. Solution Exploration: Guides, whitepapers, and explainer videos that outline potential solutions and strategies.
  3. Requirements Building: Checklists, templates, and how-to guides that help buyers define their requirements and criteria.
  4. Supplier Selection: Case studies, comparison guides, and product sheets that highlight the benefits and differentiators of your solutions.
  5. Validation: Customer testimonials, ROI calculators, and product demonstrations that provide proof of value and effectiveness.
  6. Consensus Creation: Collaboration tools, stakeholder presentations, and Q&A documents that help buyers build internal consensus.

For a consulting practice, we developed a series of tailored content pieces that were used in retargeting campaigns. This approach ensured that prospects received relevant information at each phase, leading to higher conversion rates and more informed buyers.

Measure and Optimise Continually

To ensure your content amplification strategy is effective, it’s essential to measure and optimise your efforts. Use metrics like click-through rates, engagement rates, and conversion rates to assess the performance of your LinkedIn campaigns and retargeting efforts.

In our blog, Stop Guessing, Start Knowing: Deep Audience Insights Are the Missing Piece in Your Buyer Journey Mapping, we highlighted the importance of data-driven insights. Applying these insights to your amplification strategy allows you to refine your approach and maximise your impact.

The Benefits of Targeted Content Amplification

When done correctly, targeted content amplification can significantly enhance your buyer enablement efforts. It ensures your content reaches the right audience, keeps them engaged throughout their journey, and ultimately drives better business results.

We Can Help

Content amplification is the key to making your buyer enablement content succeed. By creating a robust content calendar aligned with the Gartner B2B buyer journey, setting up targeted LinkedIn campaigns, and using retargeting to guide prospects, you can ensure your content reaches and engages the right audience at every phase. Ready to amplify your content strategy? Explore our content marketing services and let’s start driving your success together.

Published by

Ash Lemm

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